Saturday, December 8, 2007

HOme remedies for Menstrual problems and diet

Menstrual Problems treatment using Parsley

Parsley is one of the most effective among the several home remedies in the treatment of menstrual disorders. It increases menstruation and assists in the regularization of the monthly periods. This action is due to the presence of apiol, which is a constituent of the female sex hormone estrogens. Cramps, which are a result of menstrual irregularities, are relieved and frequently corrected entirely by the regular use of parsley juice, particularly in conjunction with beet juice; or with beet, carrot, and cucumber juices. The recommended quantity is 75 ml of each of the four juices.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Ginger

The use of ginger is another effective home remedy for menstrual disorders, especially in cases of painful menstruation and stoppage of menstrual flow. A piece of fresh ginger should be pounded and boiled in a cup of water for a few minutes. The infusion, sweetened with sugar, should be used thrice daily after meals as a medicine for treating this condition.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are valuable in menstrual problems. Half a teaspoon of powder of these seeds, taken with hot water twice daily, acts excellently in reducing spasmodic pain during menstruation in young, unmarried anaemic girls. Its regular use, two days prior to the expected periods, cures scanty menstruation. A warm hip bath containing a handful of crushed sesame seeds should be simultaneously taken along with this recipe.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Papaya

The unripe papaya helps the contractions of the muscle fibres of the uterus and is thus beneficial in securing a proper menstrual flow. Papaya is especially helpful when menstruation ceases due to stress or fright in young unmarried girls.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Bengal Gram

A bath prepared by putting an entire Bengal gram plant in hot water is beneficial in painful menstruation. The plant also may be used for a sitting steam bath.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Marigold

The herb Marigold, named after the Virgin Mary, is useful in allaying any pain during menstruation and facilitating menstrual flow. An infusion of the herb should be given in doses of one tablespoon twice daily for the treatment of these disorders.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Banana Flower

The use of banana flower is one of the most effective home remedies in the treatment of menorrhagia or excessive menstruation. One banana flower should be cooked and eaten with one cup of curd. This will increase the quantity of progesterone and reduce the bleeding.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds are also beneficial in the treatment of excessive menstruation. Six grams of these seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water. This decoction should be taken off the fire when only half the water remains. Sugar candy should be added to it and the patient should drink it when it is still warm.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Mango Bark

The juice of the fresh mango bark is another valuable remedy for heavy bleeding during menstruation. The juice is given with the addition of white of an egg or some mucilage- a kind of vegetable glue obtained from a plant, and a small quantity of the kernel of a poppy. As an alternative, a mixture of 10 ml of a fluid extract of the bark, and 120 ml of water may be given in doses of one teaspoon every hour or two.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Ashoka

The bark of the Ashoka tree is an effective remedy for excessive blood loss during the monthly period which occurs due to uterine fibroids and other causes. It should be given in the form of decoction in treating this condition. About 90 gm of the bark should be boiled in 30 ml of milk and 360 ml of water till the total quantity is reduced to about 90 gm. This quantity should be given in one day, in two or three doses. The treatment should commence from the fourth day of the monthly period and should be continued till the bleeding is checked. A fresh decoction should be made for use each day.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Indian Barbery

The herb Indian barbery is also useful in case of excessive bleeding. It should be given in doses of thirteen to twenty-five grams daily.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Rough Chaff

The herb rough chaff is also valuable in excessive menstruation. An infusion of the herb should be prepared by steeping 15 gm of rough chaff in 250 ml of water and used for treating this condition.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Hermal

The herb hermal is useful in regulating the menstrual periods. It is especially beneficial in painful and difficult menstruation. Two tablespoons of the seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one - third. This decoction should be given in 15 to 30ml doses.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Hemp

Hemp can be successfully used when menses do not start at the scheduled time. Five large heads of hemps should be boiled in half a litre of water till the water is reduced to half. It should then be strained and drunk before going to bed for two or three nights. This remedy seldom fails.

Menstrual Problems diet

All-fruit diet

The various disorders relating to menstrual flow, being systemic in origin, can be tackled only by treating the system as a whole, so as to remove the toxicity from the body and build up the general health level of the sufferer. To undertake such a scheme of all-round, health-building treatment, the sufferer should begin with an all-fruit diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh, juicy fruits. However, if there is excessive weight loss during the all-fruit diet, those already underweight may add a glass of milk to each fruit meal.

Well-balanced diet

After the all fruit diet, the sufferer should adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and wholegrain cereals.

Avoid white flour products, sugar, confectionery, tinned or preserved foods, strong tea/coffee

foods which should be avoided are white flour products, sugar, confectionery, rich cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, greasy foods, tinned or preserved foods, strong tea, coffee, pickles, and condiments.

Menstrual problems causes

Premenstrual Tension and Menstrual Cramps

A few days before menstruation, some women become nervous and irritable. They suffer from depression, headaches, fullness in the breasts, insomnia, and swelling in the lower extremities. This may be due to a hormonal imbalance. These problems cease within twenty-four hours of the start of the menstrual flow.


Painful menstruation, as it is called in medical parlance, is a common condition. The pain may be felt either two or three days before or immediately before or during the flow. This may also be due to a hormonal imbalance.

Amenorrhoea or Stoppage of Menstrual Flow

This is natural during pregnancy and at the menopause, but abnormal at any other time. It denotes a debilitated and devitalized condition of the body. The main causes contributing towards this condition are anemia, worry, grief, fright, or other serious emotional disturbances; malformation of the womb; tuberculosis; displacement of the womb; and debility, especially after a serious illness.

Menorrhagia or Excessive Menstrual Flow

This is common in some women. A variety of causes may be responsible for this trouble, including fibroids.

Home remedies and diet for hysteria

Hysteria treatment using Jambul

The jambul fruit is considered an effective home remedy for hysteria. Three kilograms of this fruit and a handful of salt should be put in a jug filled with water.The jug should be kept in the sun for a week. A women suffering from hysteria should take 300 gm of these fruits on an empty stomach, and drink a cup of water from the jug. The day she starts this treatment, 3 Kg more of these fruits, mixed with a handful of salt, should be kept in another jug filled with water, so that when the contents of the first jug are finished, the contents of the other will be ready for use. This treatment should be continued for two weeks.

Hysteria treatment using Honey

Honey is regarded as another effective remedy for hysteria. It is advisable to take one tablespoon of honey daily

Hysteria treatment using Bottle Gourd

Bottle gourd is useful as an external application in hysteria. Macerated fresh pulp of this vegetable should be applied over the head of the patient in the treatment of this disease.

Hysteria treatment using Lettuce

Lettuce is considered valuable in this disease. A cup of fresh juice of lettuce, mixed with a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice, should be given every day in the morning for a month, as a medicine in the treatment of hysteria.

Hysteria treatment using Rauwolfia

The herb rauwolfia is very useful for hysteria. One gram of the powdered root should be administered with one cup of milk in the morning as well as in the evening. Treatment should be continued till a complete cure has been obtained.

Hysteria treatment using Asafoetida

Asafoetida has also proved beneficial in the treatment of this disease. Smelling this gum prevents hysterical attacks. If taken orally, the daily dosage should be from 0.5 to 1.0 gm. An emulsion made up of 2 gm of the gum with 120 ml of water is a valuable enema in hysteria, when the patient resists taking the gum orally.

Diet for Hysteria
All-fruit diet

In most cases of hysteria, it is desirable for patients to start the treatment by adopting an all-fruit diet for several days, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits such as oranges, apples, grapes, grapefruit, papayas, and pineapples.

Exclusive milk diet

This may be followed by an exclusive milk diet for about a month. The milk diet will help to build better blood and nourish the nerves. If the full milk diet is not convenient, a diet of milk and fruits may be adopted. The patient may, thereafter, gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol etc.

The patient should avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco, white sugar and white flour, and products made from them.

Symptoms and Causes of hysteria

Symproms of Hysteria
Heaviness in the limbs, cramps
The symptoms of hysteria are heaviness in the limbs, severe cramps, a strong feeling of ascending abdominal constriction, continual sighings, difficulty in breathing, constriction in the chest, palpitations, feeling of a foreign body lodged in the throat, swelling of the neck and of the jugular veins, suffocation, headache, clenched teeth, and generalized and voluntary tensing of muscles of locomotion.
Wild painful cries, loss of consciousness
In severe cases, additional symptoms are noticeable; these may include wild and painful cries, incomplete loss of consciousness, an enormously swollen neck, violent and tumultuous heartbeats, involuntary locomotor muscle contraction, frightening generalized convulsions, and violent movement.
Weakness, emotional instability
The physical symptoms include a weakness of the will, a craving for love and sympathy, and a tendency towards emotional instability. Hysterical trances may last for days or weeks. A patient in a trance may appear to be in a deep sleep, but the muscles are not usually relaxed

Causus of Hysteria

The most common causes of hysteria are sexual repression, perverted habits of thought, and idleness. Heredity plays an important part in its causation. A nervous family background and faulty emotional training when young are predisposing causes. The emotional situations may be mental, strain, stress, fear, worry, depression, traumatism, masturbation, and prolonged sickness.

Home remedies and diet for kidney stones

Kidney Stones treatment using Kidney Beans

Kidney beans, also known as dried French beans or Rajmah, are regarded as a very effective home remedy for kidney problems, including kidney stones. The method prescribed to prepare the medicine is to remove the beans from inside the pods, then slice the pods and put about sixty grams in four litre of hot water, boiling them slowly for six hours. This liquid should be strained through fine muslin and then allowed to cool for about eight hours. Thereafter the fluid should be poured through another piece of muslin without stirring.A glass of this decoction should be given to the patient every two hours throughout the day for one day and, thereafter, it may be taken several times a week. This decoction would not work if it was more than twenty-four hours old. The pods could be kept for longer periods but once they were boiled, the therapeutic factor would disappear after one day.
Kidney Stones treatment using Basil

Basil has a strengthening effect on the kidneys.In case of kidney stones, one teaspoon each of basil juice and honey should be taken daily for six months. It has been found that stones can be expelled from the urinary tract by this treatment.
Kidney Stones treatment using Celery

Celery is a valuable food for those who are prone to getting stones in the kidneys or gall-bladder. Its regular intake prevents future stone formation.
Kidney Stones treatment using Apple

Apples are useful in kidney stones. In countries where the natural unsweetened cider is a common beverage, cases of stones or calculus are practically absent. The ripe fresh fruit is, however, more valuable.
Kidney Stones treatment using Grapes

Grapes have an exceptional diuretic value on account of their high contents of water and potassium salt. The value of this fruit in kidney troubles is enhanced by its low albumin and sodium chloride content. It is an excellent cure for kidney stones.
Kidney Stones treatment using Pomegranate

The seeds of both sour and sweet pomegranates are useful medicine for kidney stones. A tablespoon of the seeds, ground into a fine paste, can be given along with a cup of horse gram (kulthi) soup to dissolve gravel in kidneys. Two tablespoons of horse gram should be used for preparing the cup of soup.
Kidney Stones treatment using Watermelon

Watermelon contains the highest concentration of water amongst all fruits. It is also rich in potassium salts. It is one of the safest and best diuretics which can be used with beneficial result in kidney stones.
Kidney Stones treatment using Vitamin B 6

Research has shown the remarkable therapeutic success of vitamin B6 or pyridoxine in the treatment of kidney Stones. A daily therapeutic does of 100 to 150 mg of vitamin B6, preferably, combined with other B complex vitamins, should be continued for several months for getting a permanent cure.

Diet for kidney stones
Avoid foods like alcoholic beverages; condiments and pickles; certain vegetables like cucumber, radish.

A patient with kidney stones should avoid foods, which irritate the kidneys, to control acidity or alkalinity of the urine. He should also ensure adequate intake of fluids to prevent the urine from becoming concentrated. The foods considered irritants to the kidneys are alcoholic beverages; condiments and pickles; certain vegetables like cucumber, radish, tomato, spinach, rhubarb; those with a strong aroma such as asparagus, onion, beans, cabbage, and cauliflower; meat and gravies; and carbonated waters.
Intake of calcium and phosphates should be restricted

For controlling the formation of calcium phosphate stones, the intake of calcium and phosphates should be restricted. Foods which should be avoided are wholewheat flour, Bengal gram, peas, soyabean, beet, spinach, cauliflower, turnips, carrots, almonds, and coconuts. When stones are composed of calcium, magnesium phosphates, and carbonates, the diet should be so regulated as to maintain an acidic urine. On the other hand, the urine should be kept alkaline if oxalate and uric acid stones are being formed. In the latter case, fruits and vegetables should be liberally used, and acid-forming foods should be kept to the minimum necessary for satisfactory nutrition. In case of uric stones, foods with a high purine content such as sweet breads, liver, and kidney should be avoided.
Take a low-protein diet and have liberal intake of water

The patient should take a low-protein diet, restricting protein to one gram per kilogram of food. A liberal intake of fluid upto three litres or more daily is essential to prevent the precipitation of salt into the form of stones.

kidney stones symptoms

Severe pain in their attempt to pass down the ureter
Kidney stones usually cause severe pain in their attempt to pass down the ureter on their way to the bladder. The pain is first felt in the side and, therefter, in the groin and thighs.
Frequent desire to urinate, painful urination, scanty urination, nausea
Other symptoms, of kidney stones are a frequent desire to urinate, painful urination, scanty urination, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and chills. The patient may also pass blood with the urine.

Home remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff treatment using Fenugreek Seeds

The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be soaked overnight in water and ground into a fine paste in the morning. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) solution or shikakai.
Dandruff treatment using Lime

The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Dandruff treatment using Green Gram Powder

A valuable prescription for removal of dandruff is the use of green gram powder. The hair should be washed twice a week with two tablespoons of this powder mixed with half a cup of curd.
Dandruff treatment using Beet

Beets have been found useful in dandruff. Both tops and roots should be boiled in water and this water should be massaged into the scalp with the finger tips every night. White beet is better for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Snake Gourd

The juice of snake gourd has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of dandruff. The juice should be rubbed over the scalp for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Other Remedies

Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for three days, or with a few drops of lime juice mixed with amla juice every night, before going to bed. Another measure which helps to counteract dandruff is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab this on to the hair with cotton wool inbetween shampooing. Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to disperse dandruff.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Home Remedies for Sexual Impotence

Sexual Impotence treatment using Garlic

Garlic is one of the most remarkable home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of sexual impotence. It is a natural and harmless aphrodisiac. According to an eminent sexologist of the United States, garlic has a pronounced aphrodisiac effect. It is a tonic for loss of sexual power due to any cause, and for sexual debility and impotency resulting from sexual overindulgence and nervous exhaustion. Two to three cloves of raw garlic should be chewed daily
Sexual Impotence treatment using Onion

Onion is another important aphrodisiac food, second only to garlic. It increases libido and strengthens the reproductory organs. The white variety of onion is, however, more useful for this purpose
Sexual Impotence treatment using Carrot

Carrots are considered valuable in impotence. For better results, about 150 gm of carrots, chopped finely, should be taken with a half-boiled egg, dipped in a tablespoon of honey, once daily for a month or two. This recipe increases sexual stamina
Sexual Impotence treatment using Lady's Fingers

Lady's fingers are another tonic for improving sexual vigour. It has been mentioned in ancient Indian literature that persons who take five to ten grams of the root powder of this vegetable with a glass of milk and two teaspoons of ground mishri daily, will never lose sexual vigour
Sexual Impotence treatment using Asparagus

The dried roots of asparagus are user in Unani medicine as an aphrodisiac. They are available in the market as safed musli. Fifteen grams of roots boiled in one cup of milk should be taken twice daily. The regular use of this remedy is valuable in impotency and premature ejaculation
Sexual Impotence treatment using Drumstick

A soup made with about fifteen grams of drumstick flowers boiled in 250 ml milk is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual debility. It is also useful in functional sterility in both males and females. The powder of the dry bark is also valuable in impotency, premature ejaculation, and thinness of semen. About 120 gm of the powder of the dry bark should be boiled in half a litre of water for about half an hour. Thirty grams of this powder, mixed with a tablespoon of honey, should be taken three times daily for a month
Sexual Impotence treatment using Ginger

The juice extracted from ginger is a valuable aphrodisiac and beneficial in the treatment of sexual weakness. For better results, half a teaspoon of ginger juice should be taken with a half-boiled egg and honey, once daily at night, for a month. It is said to relieve impotency, premature ejaculation, and spermatorrhoea
Sexual Impotence treatment using Dried Dates

Dried dates are a highly-strengthening food. Pounded and mixed with almonds, pistachio nuts, and quince seeds in equal quantities, about 100 gm should be taken daily as an effective medicine for increasing sexual power
Sexual Impotence treatment using Raisins

Black raisins are useful for restoration of sexual vigour. They should be boiled with milk after being washed thoroughly in tepid water. This will make them swollen and sweet. Eating of these raisins should be followed by the intake of milk. Starting with 30 gm of raisins, followed by 200 ml of milk three times daily, the quantity of raisins should be gradually increased to 50 gm each time

Home Remedy for ChickenPox

Chicken Pox treatment using Brown Vinegar

The use of brown vinegar is one of the most important among the several home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. Half a cup of this vinegar should be added to a bath of warm water. This will relieve the irritation of the skin.
Chicken Pox treatment using Oatmeal

A bath of oatmeal is considered a natural remedy for relieving the itch due to chicken pox. This bath is prepared by cooking two cups of oatmeal in two liters of water for fifteen minutes. This mixture is then put into a cloth bag, preferably cotton, and a string is tied tightly around the top. This bag is allowed to float in a tub of warm water, and swished around until the water becomes turbid. Precaution should be taken to ensure that the bag is not torn. The child with chicken pox can splash and play in the water, making sure that water goes over all the scalds, while the pouch of oatmeal can remain in the tub .
Chicken Pox treatment using Pea Water

Green pea water is another effective remedy for relieving irritation of the skin. The water in which fresh peas have been cooked can be used for this purpose.
Chicken Pox treatment using Baking Soda

Baking soda is a popular remedy to control the itching in chicken pox. Some baking soda should be put in a glass of water. The child should be sponged with this water, so that the soda dries on the skin. This will keep the child away from scratching the eruptions.
Chicken Pox treatment using Vitamin E Oil

The use of vitamin E oil is valuable in chicken pox. This oil should be rubbed on the skin. It will have a healing effect. The marks left by chicken pox will fade away by this application.
Chicken Pox treatment using Honey

The use of honey as an external application has also proved valuable in chicken pox. The skin should be smeared with honey. It will help in the healing of the disease within three days.
Chicken Pox treatment using Carrot and Coriander

A soup prepared from carrots and coriander has been found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. About 100 gm of carrots and 60 gm of fresh coriander should be cut into small pieces and boiled for a while. The residue should be discarded. This soup should be taken once a day
Chicken Pox treatment using Herbal Tea

A mild sedative herbal tea can also prove beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. This tea can be prepared from any of the herbs like chamomile (babunah), basil (tulsi), marigold (zergul) and lemon balm (billilotan). A little cinnamon (dalchini), honey, and lemon may be added to this tea. 1t should be sipped slowly several times a day.

Dietaries for Chicken Pox
Raw fruit and vegetable juices and lemon juice

To begin with, the patient should be put on a juice diet for a few days. He should be given plenty of raw fruit and vegetable juices. Lemon juice is considered to be especially beneficial.
All-fruit diet and well-balanced diet

As the condition improves, the patient can be placed on an all-fruit diet for the next few days. Thereafter, he may be allowed to gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

Other Chicken Pox treatments
Warm-water enema

A small warm-water enema should be administered daily during the initial juice fast to cleanse the bowels.
Well-ventilated room is a must

The patient should be kept in a well-ventilated room. As light has a detrimental effect upon the eyes during an attack of chicken pox because of the weakened condition of the external eye tissues, the patient should shade his eyes from the direct light or the room should have subdued light.
Mud pack application on abdomen

Application of mud packs on the abdomen twice a day, in the morning and evening, and repeated applications of chest packs will be beneficial.
Lukewarm water baths with neem included in it

Lukewarm water baths can be given every day to relieve itching. For better results, neem leaves can be added to this water. The nails of the child should be kept clipped to prevent him from scratching, otherwise, germs on the skin may be scratched into the blisters, causing more severe infection.

Home remedies for Jaundice

Jaundice treatment using Bitter Luffa

The juice of bitter luffa is regarded as an effective remedy for jaundice. It is obtained by pounding and squeezing the bitter luffa through cloth. The juice should be placed on the palm of the hand and drawn up through the nostrils. This will cause a profuse outflow of a yellow-coloured fluid through the nostrils. The toxic matter having been evacuated in a considerable quantity, the patient will feel relieved. This is, however, a strong medicine and may cause side-effects like giddiness, migraine, and, at times, high fever for a short duration in patients with a delicate nature. Its use should, therefore, be avoided by such patients. If the juice of green bitter luffa is not available, it can be substituted by two to three drops of the fluid obtained by soaking its dry crusts overnight in water. This will produce an identical effect. Seeds of bitter lnffa which are easily available can also be used for the same purpose after rubbing in water.
Jaundice treatment using Radish Leaves

The green leaves of radish are another valuable remedy for jaundice. The leaves should be pounded and their juice extracted through cloth. Half a litre of this juice should he taken daily by an adult patient It induces a healthy appetite and proper evacuation of bowels, and this results in gradual decrease of the trouble. In most cases, complete cure can be ensured within eight or ten days.
Jaundice treatment using Tomato

Tomatoes are valuable in jaundice. A glass of fresh tomato juice, mixed with a pinch of salt and pepper, taken early in the morning, is considered an effective remedy for this disease.
Jaundice treatment using Snake Gourd Leaves

The leaves of snake gourd have also been found useful in jaundice. An infusion of the leaves should be prepared by mixing 15 gm of dry leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. Next, a decoction of coriander seeds in 500 ml of water till it is reduced by one-third. The infusion should be given in doses of 30 to 60 ml, mixed with the decoction of coriander seeds, thrice daily.
Jaundice treatment using Pigeon Pea Leaves

The green leaves of pigeon pea, a leguminous plant-the beans of which are used for dals-are considered useful in jaundice. The juice extracted form these leaves should be taken in doses of 60 ml daily. Marked improvement will follow its use.
Jaundice treatment using Almonds, Dried Dates and Cardamoms

A mixture of almonds, dried dates and cardamoms is regarded as an effective remedy for jaundice. Eight kernels of almonds, two dried dates, and five small cardamoms should be soaked overnight in water. The outer coating of the almond kernels and the inner seeds of dried dates should be removed the next morning and the whole material should be rubbed into a fine paste. Then , fifty grams of sugar and an equal amount of butter should be mixed in it and the patient should lick this mixture.
Jaundice treatment using Sugarcane Juice

One glass of sugarcane juice, mixed with the juice of half a lime, and taken twice daily, can hasten recovery from jaundice. It is, however, very essential that the juice must be clean and preferably prepared at home. Resistance is low in jaundice and any infected beverage could make matters worse.
Jaundice treatment using Lemon

Lemon is also beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. The patient should be given 20 ml of lemon juice mixed with water several times a day. This will protect the damaged liver cells.
Jaundice treatment using Barley Water

Barley water drunk several times during the day is another good remedy for this disease. One cup of barley should be boiled in three litres of water and simmered for three hours.
Jaundice treatment using Jaundice Berry

The herb jaundice berry, botanically known as Berberis vultaris is very useful in jaundice.The pulverized bark should be given several times a day in doses of one-fourth of a teaspoon in the treatment of this disease, or the fluid extract should be given 2-4 ml doses.

Jaundice Diet
Diet therapy and physical rest

A mild form of viral jaundice can be cured rapidly by diet therapy and physical rest. Recovery is, however, slow in jaundice caused by obstruction in the bile ducts, depending upon the cause and removal of the cause.
Juice fast, thereafter an all-fruit diet

The patient should be put on a juice fast for a week, and he should rest until the acute symptoms of the disease subside. After the juice fast, he may adopt an all-fruit diet for a further three to five days, taking three meals a day of fresh Juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals.
Simple light carbohydrate diet can be then taken.

Thereafter, a simple light carbohydrate diet with exclusion of fats, best obtained from vegetables and fruits, may be resumed. Digestive disturbances must be avoided. No food with a tendency to ferment or putrefy in the lower intestines like pulses and legumes should be included in the diet.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Top 10 water facts

1. Drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Pregnant and lactating women and athletes need more. Coffee, tea, and sodas do not count toward your daily water requirement. These drinks act as diuretics and lower the amount of water in your body.

2. A lack of water can significantly decrease work performance. It can also cause constipation, and can increase the risk to kidney problems and urinary tract infections.

3. Don't drink unfiltered tap water. Chlorine is the most dangerous element in most water supplies. It has been implicated in cancer causation, heart disease, and other health problems. Fluoride may also increase cancer risk.

4. Highly sweetened drinks are not absorbed and used by the body as quickly as plain water. Cold water, between 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, is absorbed best.

5. Drink water regularly throughout the day. Don't wait until you are thirsty to replenish your body's water supply.

6. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water. People who eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables can drink less water.

7. Switching to a diet higher in fiber increases your need for water.

8. Athletes should not consume high-fiber foods such as whole grains, whole grain cereals, or apples right before exercise, as high-fiber foods can pull water from the body into the intestinal tract.

9. Older Americans have decreased thirst and need to pay special attention to drinking enough water.

10. Drinking more water does not increase your tendency to bloat. In fact, drinking water will decrease bloating. Salt and sodium-rich foods, imbalanced female hormones, and poor cardiac function are the most common causes for bloating.

Lowering blood pressure naturally

High blood pressure is often accompanied by high blood levels of insulin. High insulin levels may cause high blood pressure. High levels of insulin will also make weight loss more difficult. A diet high in carbohydrates may not be ideal for hypertensives, for it will perpetuate high insulin levels. It will also worsen food cravings. Hypertensives who are overweight should restrict carbohydrates-grains, beans, legumes, and fruits - to no more than 40% of their diet in an effort to get their insulin levels back to normal.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE PATIENTS ARE often told that they must stay on their medication for life. That's like telling you once your car burns oil, it always will and you should buy more oil every week. There is a conflict of interest.

High blood pressure is unknown in primitive cultures that eat a diet of unprocessed foods. Hypertension is another ailment that we bring upon ourselves with refined grains, sugar, refined oils, margarine, overeating, inactivity, stress, and smoking.

If you are overweight, begin a program of gradual weight loss. Even beginning to lose weight will lower blood pressure. Keeping weight off is one of the most important strategies for controlling blood pressure. Even losing a pound a week is a significant stride in the right direction. In fact, for hypertensives, slow weight loss of one to two pounds a week is ideal. Anything faster may deplete important blood-pressure-regulating minerals such as magnesium and potassium.

Foods that must be eliminated from the diet of hypertensives:

Salty foods or processed foods high in sodium
Caffeinated coffee
Caffeinated tea

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Herbal Supplements

Herbal Supplement is made up of natural herbs and medicinal plants for internal healing of your body. It is widely used as a natural anti-aging substance and also keeps you internally strong. A variety of Herbal Supplements are available in market for specific purposes.

Some herbal supplements are used for treating men as well as women sexual problems like impotency and low libido. They boost your internal desire to increase sex drive and can works as a miracle in your marriage life.

Herbal Supplements are also available for treating back pains. Some herbal supplements are used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy in hair loss problems. They not only restore the hair growth but also for many other ailments. Most of these herbal supplements are used in natural hair growth products. Prevention is better than the cure and using these herbal supplements can stop the further hair loss.

The most important benefit of using herbal supplements is that they are free from side effects and is 100% safe for your healthy life.


Meditation can be defined as the science of paying attention to an object that will help us further unfold the finer aspects of our own self. It usually involves focus on an object, perhaps a candle, a sound or your breath. Meditation allows your mind activity to settle down and results in you becoming more peaceful, calm and focused.

How to Meditate

Below are some very simple steps, just follow them to give your mind a great piece of relaxation.

• Sit in a good chair in a comfortable position.
• Relax all your muscles as well as you can.
• Stop thinking about anything, or at least try not to think about anything.
• Breath out, relaxing all the muscles in your breathing apparatus.
• Repeat the below for 10 - 20 minutes:

 Breath in so deep that you feel you get enough oxygen.
 Breath out, relaxing your chest and diaphragm completely.
 Every time you breathe out, think the word "OM" or another simple word inside yourself. You should think the word in a prolonged manner, and so that you hear it inside you, but you should try to avoid using your mouth or voice.

• If foreign thoughts come in, just stop these thoughts in a relaxed manner, and keep on concentrating upon the breathing and the word you repeat.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Obesity management - Simple tips to try at home

- Do not set very high goals. Target a reasonable weight loss programe of 1/2 kg - 1 kg per week.

- Adapt family meals to specific needs by adjusting to the method of preparation and reduction in additional fats.

- Avoid binges. If you overeat due to social pressures, adjust other meals of the day or of the next day.

- While eating outside, select simply prepared items rather than combination dishes. Avoid fried foods, select fruits as desserts rather than ice-creams, puddings, etc.

- Spread food throughout the day to meet energy needs. Have six smaller meals instead of three big ones

- Follow a gradual approach to exercise and get most benefits.

- Exercise regularly that too at a comfortable pace.

- Select varied exercises that you enjoy and those that fit your personality and your work schedule.

- Encourage your family and friends to support your diet programme.

- It is best to inculcate healthy habits in your children when they are young.

- Challenge yourself. Set short-term and long-term goals and celebrate every success.

- Do not be discouraged by plateaus. They often occur after some weight loss. Get started again by increasing your exercise routine.

Treatment for Bed Wetters

Symptoms related to Bedwetting
The most common symptom of bedwetting is uncontrolled and unintentional bedwetting while sleeping. However some other symptoms of bedwetting could be as follows:-- Child is at least 6 or 7 years old and has never been able to stay dry overnight.- Wetting during the day.- Uncontrolled bowel movements that result in soiling.- Cloudy pinkish urine.- Straining, dribbling or other unusual symptoms with urination. - Burning sensation while urinating.

Bedwetting Causes
Bedwetting in children may be due to immature nervous system due to which the child is not able to feel that his bladder is full.- Sometimes it is also because of small bladder due to which the bladder is not able to hold all the urine produced during the night.- In a very rare case it may be due to some defects in the urinary system.- Some medical conditions like urinary tract infection, constipation, diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, or epilepsy may also cause bedwetting.- Hormonal factors, wherein there is inadequate antidiuretic hormone. This hormone reduces the amount of urine produced by the kidneys.- Spinal cord abnormalities.- Genetic factors.- Deep Sleep.

Natural Remedies for Bedwetting
-One hour before going to bed take six to eight oz. of cranberry juice.- Bedwetting can also be treated using herbs like causticum, lycopodium, ursi, corn silk and pulsatilla.-Before going to bed eat two tsp walnut halves and one tsp raisins.- Drink herbal tea made from herbs like oak bark, horsetail, wormwood or bearberry.- Massage inner thigh of the patient with St. John’s wort oil.- Retention control training - Practice retention control by postponing urination during the day, first by a few minutes and then by gradually increased amounts of time. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles that control urination and also increase the capacity of the bladder.- Avoid taking liquids before bedtime and make sure you empty the bladder before hitting the sack.

Diet for Bedwetting
Eat Healthy Diet
Eat parsley and cinnamon bark. Eat fresh and natural foods like leafy vegetables, brown rice and so on. To prevent bedwetting due to constipation eat a fiber rich diet. Eat diet rich in silica, magnesium and calcium. Some of the rich sources of these nutrients are milk, banana, sesame, and almonds.
Diet to avoid
Avoid juices of fruits like apple, orange, grapes and pineapple. Avoid sweets, fruits, chocolates, meat and artificial additives. Foods like corn, soy, wheat, dairy products, tomatoes and eggs cause allergy. It is better to avoid such allergy causing foods. Avoid all processed and prepackaged foods.

Suggestions for treating Bedwetting
Alternative options for Bedwetting
Each time the patient feels like urinating he must hold it for few seconds. This will stretch the bladder and the patient will be able to hold it for longer time. Do not drink any thing just before going to bed.